Board of Directors

Board members must represent the Public, Private and Low-Income sectors.

Our Current Board:

  • JoAnn Mulrooney, Chair
  • Mark Phillips, Vice Chair
  • Charles Bailey, Treasurer
  • Lisa Werner, Secretary
  • Douglas Gregory
  • David Klick
  • Patricia Maple-Damewood
  • Fred McDonald
  • Antoinette Perkins
  • John Pizzuti
  • Ashley Steele


We are giving preference to applicants that are patients of Family Medical Care and represent one of our minority populations. 

  • Public Members, are those who are public officials or appointed by public officials.
  • Low-Income Members, are those who are considered low-income (living under 200% of the federal poverty line), live in a low-income designated area, represent a low-income neighborhood or population, or have been elected by an agency serving a low-income population, such as PTA, faith-based group, policy council or general election to represent a low-income neighborhood or population.
  • Private Members, represent the community and demonstrate expertise in fiscal management, social service or other business areas.
  • At Least 51% of members must be patients served by Family Medical Care. (Or the parent of a patient). Board Members must represent the population served by the agency in factors such as race, ethnicity, gender and economic status.

Time Commitment:

  • Each Board Member is elected by the Board, and remains on the Board until resignation.
  • Each Board Member is expected to regularly attend 12 general board meetings a year.
  • Meetings are scheduled for the first Monday of every month at 11:30 AM.

If interested in joining please call 304-797-7733 for more information or complete the Potential Board Member Application and return to 3158 West Street, Weirton, WV 26062 to the attention of Lisa Mowry.